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GA of CSGF Roller-Skating & Skateboard Committee held in Guangzhou

Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2024-08-28Clicks:
On July 23, the second General Assembly of the third Board  of the Roller-Skating & Skateboard Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) of the China Sporting Goods Federation was successfully held in Guangzhou.
The meeting reviewed the achievements of the first China Roller-Skating & Skateboard Industry Conference and Carnival and discussed strategic plans for the 2025 China Sport Show.
The meeting also covered key topics in the roller-skating and skateboarding industries, highlighting the latest developments from the Committee. All participants actively engaged in the discussions, offering valuable insights and suggestions for future initiatives.
After the meeting, representatives visited industrial parks in Guangdong Province and met with members of the local Investment Promotion Bureau to explore innovative management and operational strategies for local enterprises.
Later, the Federation visited Houjie Town, a major manufacturing hub in Dongguan, where they met with five roller-skateboard manufacturers at the local industry distribution center. They conducted a comprehensive investigation of the roller-skateboard manufacturing sector in the region. Moving forward, the Federation aims to provide more tailored services and support to meet the specific needs of roller-skateboard companies.

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